Just over a week into the 2024-25 National Hockey League campaign, you’ll find a solid
Photo Credit: Freeze Frame Photos The number of Northern Ontario Junior Hockey League (NOJHL) alumni
With the 135th overall pick in the 2024 NHL Draft in Nevada, Las Vegas with
Under the bright lights of Day 2 at the Sphere in Las Vegas, Nevada on
Saturday, November 4, 2023 will be a memorable one for former Soo Greyhounds forward Joe
Preparations are ramping up and the Soo Greyhounds Hockey Club is excited to welcome Joe
In Nashville, Tennessee on Thursday, June 29th, Sault Ste Marie’s Cooper Foster was drafted by
Soo Greyhound blueliner Andrew Gibson was drafted by the Detroit Red Wings in Nashville at
Former Soo Thunderbirds Katchouk and Miller Among CJHL Alumni Starting 2022/2023 Campaign in the NHL
With the National Hockey League season now underway, you’ll find a solid contingent of Canadian
A member of the Soo Greyhounds 2020 draft class (4th Round), prospect Rutger McCgroarty was